Blue shark-the sucide game. Explain with all chalanges...

A potentially dangerous social media game, which has been linked to 130 teen deaths in Russia, is making its way to the UK, leading to schools issuing warnings to parents.
The game is called the ‘Blue Whale Game’ and is being played across various social media platforms by youngsters.
Teenagers are taking their own lives ‘as a result of social media game called Blue Whale’
It involves players being given a master that will control them and make them do tasks every day for 50 days.
It seems like harmless fun but following investigations into the game in Russia, the game was found to be behind a large number of teen suicides.
According to reports, those who took their lives had completed smaller challenges in the ‘game’ over the 50 days and by the end of it, were encouraged to try to ‘win the game’ by killing themselves.

The headteacher of Woodlands School in Basildon has now issued a letter to parents warning them about the dangerous game. (Picture: Google)

The headteacher of Woodlands School in Basildon has now issued a letter to parents warning them about the dangerous game.
‘As you already know from my previous letters, we have a duty of care for our pupils and are striving to do all we can to ensure that you are given the latest information to help safeguard our young people.
‘It is called The Blue Whale Game and is played via many social media platforms. Players are given a master who controls them for 50 days and each day they are given a task to complete.’

Veronika Volkova is one of the teens that took their own life (Picture: EasttoWest)

He then explained some of the tasks that are being carried out, such as waking up in the middle of the night to scratching a blue whale somewhere on their body.
He added: ‘On the 50th day the masters behind the game instruct the young people to commit suicide and sadly across the world some have done this.
In Russia, two schoolgirls, aged 15 and 16, fell to their deaths from a 14-storey block of flats, another, aged 15, fell from a fifth floor flat, while a 14-year-old girl died after being hit by a train earlier this year.
One of the girls, Yulia Konstantinova, 15, left a note on social media saying ‘end’ shortly after posting a picture with a blue whale while her friend Veronika Volkova, 16, wrote ‘Sense is lost… End.’ before she took her own life.
The Basildon headteacher is now urging parents to ‘continue to support us in keeping all our young people safe’ and asked parents to contact him if they had any questions. has contacted Essex Police for a statement.
Written by yogi....


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